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  • Writer's picturejennamedsci

Leah's Backyard

It was back in September 2018, when I decided to host a Farmer's Market at Laurentian University. I had no idea how to go about getting Farmer's to come to campus, but managed to have two local veggie growers agree to give this first time market a chance. One was a young female named Leah who was super excited and also happened to be a student at Laurentian. I met Leah and instantly was amazed with what she was doing. She is an urban farmer who grows out of her small little apartment in the Donovan and has a yard sharing program as well as participates in all of the local farmers markets. She started her own business and has become quite the well-known farmer in the Sudbury community. After the market ended, I started following her on social media and learned she also runs workshops. At my workplace we decided to bring her in for a mental health week initiative called DIY succulent event. A big success and a lot of fun, I then started following her journey and realized I wanted to learn from her and get to know this industry a bit more.

For my genius hour project, I designed my own internship, to learn from Leah and get to know my cities' garden and farming community. Here is the process for what I have done so far and what I have to look forward to in the coming weeks and months. As she is a farmer and a student, working around her busy schedule definitely slowed down the process.


Some questions I wanted to know before meeting with Leah

- What goes on in my community with regard to farming and gardening?

- How much time can I dedicate to this initiative?

- how long is the farming season in the summer? Market season etc?

Meetings and Scheduling:

March 23rd - Meeting with Leah to discuss potential role and understand what all she is involved in ie workshops, community groups, planting, markets etc.

March 30th- Meeting with Leah to finalize some dates for April and May as intern

Internship Activities:

April 17th- Attend as guest for the spring meeting for the Sudbury Community Garden Network. 5:00pm

April 27th- Shadow Leah at the Southridge Mall Spring Farmer's Market ( 9:30am-2pm)

April 28th- Half day with Leah to see her plots at home, visit the Flower Mill Community garden, visit one of her yard share plots.

April 29th- Assisting at workshop " Gardens Open for Schools" for educators to learn how to grow seeds in their classroom and connect with community gardens. 6:00pm

May4th- May 25th-Saturdays from 9:30am to 2:00pm working the Farmers Market booth for Leah's Backyard.

June- TBD but a few session of visiting yard shares and doing some planting. This is weather dependent.

I am definitely looking forward to learning from Leah and getting more involved in the garden and farming community. I have already learned so much that goes on in Sudbury that I didn't know before including many active community groups and committees contributing to local food production. They are listed below.

Sudbury Community Garden Network -

Food Shed Project-

Cultivate Your Neighbourhood Program-

Flower Mill Community Farm-

Social Planning Council of Sudbury-

Roots to Harvest-

For more details on Leah and her work visit

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